
Everybody Sucks. No one knows me as well :(

It's okay! It's Fine! Finish it! Dont look at me anymore! Big faggot! DAMN! CRAZY! >.<"

That's sentence is really suitable to make people around me realize that they're more than a shit!
Why? Here's the story.

Im really sad now.
i dunno exactly why.
but, i think it's because of people around me which dont know me as well.
All people around me are suck! they just do everything that they want to do which can make me sad.
They do something that can hurt my heart!
They are happy but im hurted! im sad.
As an example:
My sister talked to my friends about my bad, then at home she talked as usually to me. she didnt talk anything about my bad to me.
But, then a lot of my friends talked it to me! i cant realize how wicked my sister is!
Then, it's not the only problem.
My other "ex" friends did the same thing like her. i dunno why. How wicked they are!
Maybe it makes them happy. But, For me? it's definitely hurted my heart!
and.. how damn it is! they are still doing it to me till this time.
i have already introspection into myself.
i have just thought to flashback.
i just remembered about the past to make sure if i have any fault or not to 'em.
But, as long as i know myself, i always said sorry at the time if i have any problem to 'em.
But, i still have a power to ignore the bad issues bout myself.
i have to face my days with my sweetest smile although everyone is trying to hurt me :')
GOD is a fair judge. He knows which is correct and wrong :')
Believe in HIM makes me happy all the time and can make me forget bout my problems :')



My Sadness that I've Never Felt Before

Do you know why im using that title?
I guess, NOT.

Okay, i'll tell y'all about my sadness. i have a problem. IT SUCKS! It's about my friend's big mouth. I actually dont want to make him as my friend. He's too wicked in my eyes. He's talking to his friends about MY BAD behind me! It really hurted myself! WTH! i dunno how to solve it! i've already said sorry to him if ive any fault/ mistake to him. but, ive already realized if he doesnt like me. or we can say, if he hates me.
I honestly dont want to have any enemy, whatever it takes! but, he started first. He hurted me step by step with his words. FUCK! but, i dunno why, i cant hate him back!

I just wrote these notes while ive felt hurted of his fuckin' words:
"Fuck, Shit, Asshole, Damn, WTH, WTF!
I honestly want to say these bad words in front of your face!!!
But, why i cant?!
I feel if there's always an angel besides me to stop my bad words!"
"What a damn day!
Now, im so lazy to talk to anyone here. They're ANNOYING. I hate people when they just want to talk to me if they need my help or if they just want to borrow my stuffs like: tissue, bolpoint, pencil, ruler, eraser, and many more. They're always talking about me behind me! It Sucks! Fuck!
I actually dont hate people whom always talk about me behind me. But, i just feel a lil bit hurt of their bad habits. They talked about me on my back! they dont talk to me in front of my face!
I just want them to talk to me in front of my face without bring anyone to know the problem. A lot of people here arent friendly as i think.
I dont like to stay here for the longer time. Why? because there's someone who hates me the most. I know who he is. I honestly want to give my middle finger to him. Oh badly, i cant! i just remember GOD's wonderful words to love enemies. That's why i cant do that."
"I honestly want to hit and kick you till you die. But, i have to forgive you. It's hard to me! But, i have to do that. GOD, help me please."
"you hurted me by ur f*ck words. I wouldnt hurt you. Because GOD told me to love enemies."
"Seems like i want to give my middle finger to you."
Those notes based deep down from my heart. I really felt hurted of their bad words to me. Sometimes, im sad if i have to remember their bad words on my mind. i dunno why i cant forget their bad words. PRAYER is the only key that i can do EVERYDAY if im sad. I cant hate people whom hate me. Because i dont want to make any sin. Im a follower of Jesus. im happy to have Jesus in my life. Why? because HE is my BIGGEST supporter in my life. i dont care if people want to hate me or not, but the only thing that you've to remember is JESUS never leave me alone, because HE LOVES ME, HIS CHILD :)


My precious time

"What a busy week!
Those words arent enough to draw my days which are so full with lots of exams and homeworks.

I'm confused with lots of exams and homeworks. They wont go away from my life for this time. why? Because, I'm still being a student in high school. I'm tired to study along night. Maybe some of you guys think, "Hey, you can stop study and go to sleep. Just continue to study tomorrow". I actually really would do that. But, I couldn't. Why? Because, I'm not a lazy person. I would do my homework as soon as possible. TIME is the only reason. I just felt that the time went so faster! I don't have any enough time to study after back from school. My home isn't close from school :( 

I don't take any courses. Just study by myself. I dont really understand about physics. My father actually understands about it. Cause he is an engineer. Of course he can. But, I don't want to ask him about physics. haha. dunno why --".
Hmm, sometimes i need refreshing. Then, i opened my twitter account and my other websites to refresh my mind although only for awhile. lol :p They are [my twitter account and my other websites] really help me to refresh my mind :D haha.

Oh ya, i have written some quotes which based from my mind on twitter and fb account. Just read these quotes! :)
"Dear God, i'm a student in shs. Im confused with lots of exams and homeworks. Would you like to help me to face my days? Sincerely, ur child"
"Okay. All i have to do now is just go to sleep. But, it will be better if i clean up my lovely table first before i go to sleep -_-"
"everytime i see the clock, there's always an upset feeling. The night comes so faster when i waste my precious time -_-" 
"Besok ulangan Ekonomi & Komputer. Bahannya banyak. Kepala mau pecah nih >.<"
 "Headache :( it's bcos of homeworks :("
"I honestly hate the night bcos i havent studied well yet."
"Headache. Fever. Stomache. COMPLETED!"
Yeah, those quotes were just what I felt at the time. lols. haha. i love to write my feeling on twitter account or etc hehe.
I actually think that i haven't used my precious time as well. But, if i have realized it, i couldn't hide my regret.
SO SAD. Reaaaaaally saaaaad. hahaha.
As a student in high school, i think i dont have any time to waste my precious time. Ifw i aste my time i wont get anything. It will be nothing at all.But, sometimes i did. That was why i felt a regret feeling. haha.

Maybe this opinion is enough [umm more than enough i think lol] haha, so i'll end this page :')
But, my suggestion is just one, 

Chia :)


Unpredictable Feelings :S

Hello guys.
i'd tell you all about my "crazy" feelings.
just read it freely :)

3 februari 2011.
Oke. for the first, gw nulis pake bahasa inggris apa bahasa indonesia aja yaa enaknya? umm. bahasa indonesia aja deh. hehe :)

Hmm. sejujurnya it's as my privacy. tapi gw mau share nihh :)
jadiiii, gw tuh sebenernya suka banget sama yang namanya berteman, persahabatan, teman baru, dll. gw bersahabat ga cuma di dunia nyata tapi juga di dunia maya. maybe some of you guys think if it's weird! but. i love to meet new friends on internet world lol.
my ex-boys juga bukan cuma di dunia nyata doang loh! hehe. Gw suka segala sesuatu yang baru, unik, dan yang menantang haha. yups! my ex juga berasal dari dunia maya. Mau tau siapa ajaaaa?
Pjerin Mici, Aldo Mici, Jagar Read, James Andrew Digby, Liam Ironman Bostock, etc.
(you can find them on fb)
Mungkin diantara kalian ada yang berfikir, "ah, masasih?", "kok bisa sih?","ihh, envyyy!", "eh, kenalin gw dong!", etc. ahahaha yups! komentar kaya gitu udah gak asing lagi di telinga gw hehe.
Sebenernya gw juga ga asal-asalan milih orang dari dunia maya yang kaya gitu. Soalnya pengalaman gw sama orang di dunia maya, terutama orang bule sudah agak banyak. jadi gw tau tipe-tipe bule yang bokepnya ujubilah sampe yang care-nya ujubilah hahaha. SELECTIVE is number one! :)
umm, tapi gw juga sometimes berfikir, it was for fun. Gw juga nganggep ya but seneng-seneng aja daripada gw stress mikirin pelajaran yang gak akan pernah berhenti ini [le to the bay - lebay] hahahha. yaa itung-itung refreshing di dunia maya lahh hahahah [apadeh chiaaaaa?!] oiaa, komunikasi gw sama mereka ya by chat msn/ fb sama webcaman aja heheh :D
oia, my last ex was Liam Ironman Bostock. Tadinya gw berfikir dia bule yang "iewh" dsb, pas sehabis gw liat info di biodata profilnya. Tau ga, sebenernya dia tuh ga seperti yang gw pikirin. Ternyata semua yang ada di biodatanya itu cuma untuk fun aja, jadi dia nulis semua yang non sense yang sebenarnya engga sesuai dengan dirinya ke dalem biodatanya itu. HE TOLD ME. Makanya gw tau. aduh sumpah deh ya kata pepatah "dont judge a book by its cover" itu emang bener bangeeeet!
umm gw juga udah sering webcam-an sama dia.Chat bareng di msn/ fb. haha. tapi sayangnya dia gabisa diajak joking. makanya gw jadi males dan sangat males. boring kali kalo cuma dengerin kata "i miss you; i love you; how are you, babe?;etc" haahah boring lahh. dia gabisa nge-joke -_________-
At least pas gw ended relationship sama si liam. Saat itu juga ada orang yang nembak gw. Dia temen sekelasnya sahabat gw. Ooops! galau gilaaa tuh gw at the time antara nerima atau engga. hahah. but, dia nembak gw terlalu cepeeet. Baru aja pegat dari liam beberapa menit yang lalu (pas waktu itu) eh dia langsung nembak :O ahhaha.WEIRD -__________- so my answered was NO! :/ umm it was the best for me and him -.-
And theeeeeen tiba-tiba [at the time] gw suka sama seseorang, ya engga tiba-tiba juga sih hahaha [labil]. ya gituuu deh gw suka sama dia tapi dia anjrit deh cuek banget sok cool gituuuu. ah, jadi sebel :S
gw juga bingung kenapa gw bisa suka sama dia hahha aneh memang. Memang sih gw tuh engga ngeliat seseorang dari fisiknya, tapi dari sikap dia ke gw [beneran loh] hahahah
Tapi sekarang ini, saat ini belum ada tuh yang bisa mencuri hati gw [unyuuunyuu] hahahaha. Still single is better :)

It's meeee :))))

This is the end :)
xoxo-Chia :)